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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love; What it really means

Love. One of the top 10 over used words. People have used the word "love" for so many things, it has no more real power.
"She says she loves me. Okay great. She also says she loves her shoes, her best friend, and that random dog over there."
This word, that used to mean so much, now means close to nothing. When people wonder if they are loved, it's reasonable... Considering the context people this word in. When someone says they love me it doesn't really have an effect on me, because people use this word so freely. When they really mean it... It's like it doesn't change anything.
However, there is "phileo love." Which is brotherly love. So you can use that context for friends. But we don't just walk up to friends and say, "I phileo love you." You totally can, but it might sound a little strange! When my friends say, "I love you" to each other, the phileo is implied, because we aren't in love with each other. In fact, we just want to show our care, and brotherly love to each other.
The true definition of love is, "an intense feelings of deep affection. Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone." Notice how it says someone. Not something; someone. 
If we limit our use of the word "love" to just talking about people we actually care about, people would feel more loved when you use that word... Rather than wondering if you really mean it or not.
So save your use of the word love for when your feelings match the definitions above, not when your talking about inanimate objects.
Click this image to read an article on how "Love is a Choice." Written from a Christian point of view.
To see the explanation of the types of love, click here.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Whose Your Hero?

Most people might think of Captain America, a man in tights, or someone with super powers when they think of that word. What if I told you there are actually heroes all around us? Not all heroes wear capes. Some are big shots, some are in history, and some have a humble beginning. True heroes that are ones that stand strong in whatever their faith might be, and they grown into legendary figures. Your hero can be anyone. Living, or deceased, if you know them personally or not, fictional or not- it doesn't matter. Heroes are people, or a person, that motivate you, and have good morals- or ones similar to yours. Heroes are someone you can look up to. Heroes are people who stay strong, and help others in need. A hero isn't someone who hates everyone, and only cares about them selves.
I have many Heroes. Abraham Lincoln, Martian Luther King Jr., and music stars like Demi Lovato, and Corbin Bleu.
When you look up to someone, you might consider them your hero. But why? What do you like about them? Do they have good morals? Are they someone you might trust with your life?
Heroes don’t always have a lot of money, or wear nice clothes. In fact, a hero could be that homeless person you passed on the road.
So I challenge you with this question: Who is your hero?